Benefits of Membership
As a member of ESPER, you will receive the following benefits:
*A name badge, a New Member's Handbook, and a Guide to U.S. Stamps honoring Black America.
*Information about philatelic events and stamp shows throughout the United States.
*Reflections, our award-winning quarterly newsletter with information and commentary about African Americans on stamps worldwide, stamp facts, new stamp issues update, member profiles, philatelic show calendar, and more.
*Association with an international network of collectors of African-American stamps, covers, and other philatelic materia.
DUES: Annual membership dues are $25.00 for Adults, $20.00 for Youth Members age 17 and younger, $40.00 for a Family Membership, and$35.00 for Foreign Members. Dues are reduced by $5.00 if you choose to receive the Reflections newsletter by e-mail instead of a hard copy.
When you're ready to join us, select the join link below. You can join electronically and pay by PayPal/credit card or you can print out the Membership Form, fillout and send it along with a check or money order payable to ESPER.
HEY! Just getting started in the hobby?
Don’t know what to do at a stamp show?
Not sure where to find stamps presented in the newsletter?
Want to know more about collecting covers, ceremony programs, postmarks, postcards, or postal history?
Don’t know how to organize your collection?
We will match you to a personal buddy who will help you with your questions or concerns.
Contact the Membership Committee.