Celebrating Our 25th Anniversary


I'm inspired by Jesse Owens, ESPER has been
"Stampin thru History."

October 18-19, 2013
Embassy Suites Charlotte-Concord
Concord, North Carolina
The Ebony Society of Philatelic Events and Reflections (ESPER) was founded by Esper G. Hayes of Charlotte, North Carolina. She started the club based on a promise she made to the great Olympian, Jesse Owens. Esper met the famous track star at a stamp show in the '70s. She stood in line for hours to get his autograph. When she got to the table, he stood up and shook her hand. She and Jesse were the only African Americans at the stamp show that day. During their conversation, Jesse mentioned that maybe Esper could do something to help Black people take pride in themselves, and she agreed. After his death in 1980, Esper turned her promise into a commitment to help Black people take pride in themselves.

ESPER Group Photo

Friday Night Hospitality Room

Saturday Bourse
Click picture
to see Anniversary Edition

Clarence McKnight, given presentation to students workshop "Education Through Philately"

Don Conway

M. Rosina Major conducted "Why, What and Wow ! The 3Ws of Stamp Collecting."

Clarence McKnight, given presentation to students workshop "Education Through Philately"
Workshops and Presenters

ESPER president, Walter Faison, made a special presentation of frames artwork to the three ladies that helped him with the anniversary celebration: (L-R) his wife, Desdemona Faison, M. Rosina Major, and Bea Cox.

Artist Higgins Bonds presented with a special collage depicting the artwork she did for ESPER anniversary as well as her stamps for the USPS.

Award presented to Clarence McKnight from Mani Gilyard and Ricky Johnson.

ESPER president, Walter Faison, made a special presentation of frames artwork to the three ladies that helped him with the anniversary celebration: (L-R) his wife, Desdemona Faison, M. Rosina Major, and Bea Cox.

Higgins Bonds and Esper Hayes in front of special anniversary banner.

Awards and Recognitions
Saturday Evening
Interview with past ESPER President
Mani Gilyard
Interview with ESPER Founder
Dr. Esper G. Hayes